This API is used by the customer to request a transfer. This API’s result is a requestId.

Required Parameters :-

toAddress - The wallet address to which the NFT(s) will be transferred

noOfCopies - The number of fungible copies to be transferred for the given token Id

tokenId - This is the tokenID of the token to be Transferred.

assetId - This is the assetId generated from the secure asset upload API generated from the secure asset upload API.

smartContractSymbol - Unique symbol for the smart contract

blockchainType - Blockchain network to be used:

0 for Ethereum and
1 for Polygon

networkType - network type for the specified blockchain:

For BlockchainType Ethereum:

0 for Ethereum Mainnet
1 for Ropsten Testnet
2 for Rinkeby Testnet

For BlockchainType Polygon:

0 for Polygon Mainnet
1 for Polygon Mumbai

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!